And he vanished around the corner of the plaza . और वह बूढ़ा चौंक के कोने में पहुंचकर गुम हो गया ।
They reached the center of a large plaza where the market was held . वे चलते - चलते बाजार के चौक में पहुंच गए ।
From where he sat , he could observe the plaza . जहां वह बैठा था , वहां से चौंक साफ नजर आ रहा था ।
It's plaza, I felt, needed a material for sculpture यह एक ईमारत है, मुझे लगा कि कलाकृति के लिए
They were both silent for a time , observing the plaza and the townspeople . थोड़ी देर वह दोनों चुप रहे । चौक और उसमें आते - जाते लोगों को देखते रहे ।
He had fallen asleep in the middle of the marketplace , and life in the plaza was about to resume . बीच बाजार में ही वह सो गया था और चौंक की गहमागहमी शुरू होने वाली थी ।
Central Plaza (Hong Kong) केन्द्रीय प्लाज़ा
He looked around at the empty plaza again , feeling less desperate than before . उसने खाली चौंक के चारों तरफ नजर घुमाई । अब उसके मन में घबराहट पहले से बहुत कम थी ।
“ What are they doing ? ” the old man asked , pointing at the people in the plaza . चौक पर चलते लोगों की तरफ देखकर उस बूढ़े ने बात शुरू करते हुए पूछा , “ ये लोग क्या कर रहे हैं ? ”
He looked at the people in the plaza for a while ; they were coming and going , and all of them seemed to be very busy . उसने नजरें चौक की तरफ घुमा लीं , जहां लोग आ - जा रहे थे और सब के सब बहुत व्यस्त लग रहे थे ।
mercantile establishment consisting of a carefully landscaped complex of shops representing leading merchandisers; usually includes restaurants and a convenient parking area; a modern version of the traditional marketplace; "a good plaza should have a movie house"; "they spent their weekends at the local malls" पर्याय: mall, center, shopping mall, shopping center, shopping centre,
a public square with room for pedestrians; "they met at Elm Plaza"; "Grosvenor Place" पर्याय: place, piazza,