| 1. | Even the earliest photos are about bridge construction and placer mining.
| 2. | Placer Dome already is entitled to 46 percent of Highlands Gold.
| 3. | Placer's rejection comes as no surprise, analysts said.
| 4. | Placer Dome has doubled its stake in Porgera to 50 percent.
| 5. | Obtengo de la vida un enorme placer al ser una madre.
| 6. | Marcopper is 40 percent owned by Canada's Placer Dome.
| 7. | Placer Dome is Canada's second-largest gold producer.
| 8. | Placer Dome has criticized AurionGold for not commissioning an independent valuation.
| 9. | These miners prospected far and wide for new placer gold discoveries.
| 10. | John McTeague is a miner working in Placer County, California.