| 1. | Reader Rabbit is back in this phonics program that kids love.
| 2. | It focuses on phonic skills, spelling, vocabulary and comprehension.
| 3. | Their school may be sacrificing comprehension to excessive focus on phonics.
| 4. | Instead of working on phonics at home, focus on enrichment.
| 5. | Phonics teaches students how to read through sound and letter drills.
| 6. | Synthetic phonics develops phonemic awareness along with the corresponding letter shapes.
| 7. | Synthetic phonics involves the development of phonemic awareness from the outset.
| 8. | Along the way, phonics, sentence structure and spelling are taught.
| 9. | The question remains, how many phonics rules are enough?
| 10. | We want to grab them first, then get the phonics down.