| 1. | The idea seemed perfect for a first book by Pentagram Papers.
| 2. | In the closet of another room, police found a pentagram.
| 3. | The pentagram includes ten isosceles triangles : five obtuse isosceles triangles.
| 4. | Pentagram also made appearances in Finland and Sweden in May 2014.
| 5. | The other pentagons of the figure do not have inscribed pentagrams.
| 6. | In myths, there is a fifth rank called pentagram mage.
| 7. | A common example of this type of pentagon is the pentagram.
| 8. | In 2005 Woody left Pentagram to re-establish Pirtle Design.
| 9. | Pentagram partner, Angus Hyland is creative director of the company.
| 10. | It was designed by Pentagram, a local design firm.