| 1. | This Haggadah is a patrimonial treasure, like the Mona Lisa.
| 2. | Two government inspectors represent the State in financial and patrimonial questions.
| 3. | The State's nature during the Piast dynasty was patrimonial.
| 4. | This marked the end of two centuries of Dutch patrimonial holdings.
| 5. | Military force is an important instrument of a patrimonial rule.
| 6. | This list does not include his patrimonial estate of Burton in Somerset.
| 7. | Patrimonial Heritage of House of Borja makes no sense whatsoever.
| 8. | He did have large patrimonial estates in the Netherlands that now were forfeit.
| 9. | His most important patrimonial possession was Musninkai where he funded a Catholic church.
| 10. | James Clinton made an unsuccessful attempt to recover his patrimonial estates in England.