| 1. | Water flows out of the spillway to prevent overtopping the dam.
| 2. | These releases were made to prevent overtopping of the spillway.
| 3. | Some versions of the model assume overtopping of some species by others.
| 4. | This means that the barrier would frequently have to deal with overtopping events.
| 5. | Before the river crested, the water came within feet of overtopping the dam.
| 6. | A gated spillway protects the dam from overtopping.
| 7. | The ice stagnated and melted behind this moraine, without the meltwater overtopping the terminal moraine.
| 8. | The dam overtopping alarm sounds, alerting the town that the dam is going to fail.
| 9. | It was constructed of local clay; a masonry overflow weir protects the reservoir from overtopping.
| 10. | Overtopping or overflow of an embankment dam beyond its spillway capacity will cause its eventual failure.