| 1. | Pulpy paper-backed ordure, classic works of literature,
| 2. | Six years of tabloid ordeal-by-ordure?
| 3. | "An ordure, from beginning to end, " he read.
| 4. | The wards are saturated with wet and ordure, the walls-marked with the same.
| 5. | At least some are coprophagous and feed on human ordure and other detritus, hence the common name " filth flies ".
| 6. | He is also a board member of the UK Museum of Ordure, an ongoing collaborative art project with Stuart Brisley and Geoff Cox.
| 7. | Kishkill can still recall, for example, how the maggots would swarm through the piles of ordure dumped by the factory's walls.
| 8. | The filth is eating away at the asphalt shingles on her roof, and even in the winter, her yard is rank with ordure.
| 9. | "Pere Noel Est un Ordure " and " Neuf Mois, " respectively-- have never played in this country.
| 10. | Ms . Ephron's movie, which is loosely based on the 1982 French film " Le Pere Noel Est une Ordure ."