| 1. | The paints are made of ochre and the adhesive synthetic polymer.
| 2. | Ochre is an important cultural resource for the Tasmanian Aboriginal community.
| 3. | Traditionally, Aboriginal women had the exclusive role of obtaining ochre.
| 4. | Tasmanian ochre ranges in colour from white through yellow to red.
| 5. | Traditionally, Aboriginal people have sourced ochre from sites throughout Tasmania.
| 6. | Forbidding a person to wear ochre was a form of punishment.
| 7. | Cromwell Ochre's Legacy back to Dusky D'Orsay.
| 8. | Mining for yellow ochre occurred in the park during the 1800s.
| 9. | The pigments used to make the drawing are native Tasmanian ochres.
| 10. | Robert gave Ochre Court to the Sisters of Mercy in 1947.