| 1. | After Panzera there was Munch and another conductor, Roger Desormiere.
| 2. | At the movies, Americans munch popcorn drenched with artificial butter.
| 3. | Munch : Canada leads the world in doughnut shops per capita.
| 4. | Everyone had gathered at the farm to munch through the fields.
| 5. | Or the Mystery of Edvard Munch's Mangled Middle Finger.
| 6. | That genius for reduction is central to Munch's power.
| 7. | Munch first painted " The Kiss " in 1892.
| 8. | His advocacy was taken up by his successor, Charles Munch.
| 9. | In this chapter Abe is joined by Munch, a Gabbit.
| 10. | He munches on peanut-butter-and-jelly sandwiches.