| 1. | Whoever studies the Torah receives " meekness " as a reward.
| 2. | He is a man of few words, and great meekness.
| 3. | His crimes are a brilliant mix of meekness and audacity.
| 4. | The meekness of the United States has to be because of oil.
| 5. | He was known for his modesty, meekness and chastity.
| 6. | He preached meekness and thorough understanding of the Bible and Holy tradition.
| 7. | Why did it have to be Christianity with its meekness and flabbiness ?"
| 8. | He was a man of uncommon meekness and modesty.
| 9. | "He has a problem with meekness, " said one adviser.
| 10. | Somehow meekness fades into arrogance on the court.