| 1. | Crude distribution in the trap is affected by lithological variation.
| 2. | The range is made of different lithological units.
| 3. | The lithological evidence includes rock type, grain size, composition, and texture.
| 4. | The formation is divided into three informal units based on broad but distinct lithological characteristics.
| 5. | The color boundaries may cross-cut lithological contacts and show more intense reddening adjacent to unconformities.
| 6. | Lake captures are therefore very sensitive to the preexisting topography as well as to climatic and lithological factors.
| 7. | The skull and the matrix have been assigned to a rock of the Romualdo Member due to lithological characteristic.
| 8. | The top of the Lower Oxford Clay shows a lithological change, where fissile shale changes to grey mudstone.
| 9. | This lithological unit has yielded plentiful dinosaur remains in quantity and group, also including a great deal of microfossil material.
| 10. | Dubar described it from a lithological point of view as consisting mainly of clay-sandstones and green marls with gypsum.