| 1. | A growing number of Germans are functionally illiterate, functionally innumerate, or both.
| 2. | innumerate shorthand for all such parties, or sometimes only the largest of them.
| 3. | :: Looks good to innumerate me.
| 4. | The percentage of illiterate and innumerate youngsters varies among ethnic groups and parents'socioeconomic status.
| 5. | On the other hand, most innumerate people view people who excel at math as kind of nerdy.
| 6. | The innumerate mind is currently struck by the fact that Oxford comes below Imperial College in assorted league tables.
| 7. | In South Africa's auto industry, Miller said, 60 percent of the assembly line workers are illiterate or innumerate.
| 8. | The OP is either BS-ing here or is innumerate . talk ) 03 : 47, 17 November 2010 ( UTC)
| 9. | The book is a charming, literate and, even for the mildly innumerate reader, generally understandable account of Wiles'remarkable achievement.
| 10. | For the benefit of all you innumerates, here is a button that a New York writer named Vicki Rovere received from a friend.