| 1. | Erythema and scleroderma-like induration occurs on the skin.
| 2. | Induration, contact bleeding and rolled margins are features of a malignant ulcer.
| 3. | Residual induration, however, is rare and usually these areas completely resolve.
| 4. | If there is no induration, the result should be recorded as " 0 mm ".
| 5. | In 1743 Peyronie described a disorder characterized by induration of the corpora cavernosa of the penis.
| 6. | The surface induration by means of this process is named "'case hardening " '.
| 7. | Intramuscular progesterone indurations ( due to inflammation ), ecchymosis ( bruising / discoloration ), and others.
| 8. | In other cases the skin reactions may be severe with marked pruritus and considerable erythema, oedema and induration.
| 9. | This is called induration, and is caused by white blood cells responding to the presence of activated antibodies.
| 10. | Odly we lack an article on induration . talk ) 17 : 36, 20 July 2014 ( UTC)