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अंग्रेजी-हिंदी > incessantly का अर्थ

incessantly इन हिंदी

incessantly उदाहरण वाक्य
उदाहरण वाक्य
1.There is a general impression that the body of the elephant is incessantly active .
सामान्य धारणा यह है कि हाथी का शरीर निरन्तर सक्रिय रहता है .

2.It incessantly drivers its victims and yet leads them nowhere .
वह निरंतर अपने शिकार को खदेड़ता रहता है लेकिन उन्हें कोई दिशा नहीं देता . ”

3.For nearly a year , he had been working incessantly , thinking only of putting aside enough money so that he could return to Spain with pride .
लगभग एक साल तक वह जी - जान लगाकर काम करता रहा ताकि कुछ पैसे बचा सके और स्वाभिमान के साथ स्पेन लौट सके ।

4.The travelers in the caravan were talking incessantly , laughing and shouting , as if they had emerged from the spiritual world and found themselves once again in the world of people .
कारवां के सभी यात्री बिना रुके बोले जा रहे थे , हंस रहे थे , चिल्ला रहे थे , मानो वे अभी - अभी रूहानी दुनिया से आए हों और एक बार फिर दुनियावी लोगों से मिल रहे हों ।

5.Remember, he is his country's leading politician. Plus, due to threats against his life, he always travels with bodyguards and incessantly changes safe houses . Who exactly, one wonders, is the victim of incitement?
यह याद रखने की बात है कि वह अपने देश के अग्रणी राजनेता हैं। इसके अतिरिक्त अपने ऊपर खतरों को देखते हुए वह सदैव अंगरक्षक के साथ चलते हैं और समय समय पर सुरक्षित स्थानों पर अपना स्थान बदलते रहते हैं। इस पर निश्चित ही आश्चर्य होता है कि वास्तव में कौन पीडित है।

6.The pent-up emotion of the people burst in a storm of sorrow as a long , slow procession moved towards him in a mournful pilgrimage of farewell , clinging to the hands that had toiled so incessantly , bowing over the feet that had journeyed so continuously in the service of his country .
काफी समय से लोगों के मन में दबा हुआ आवेग विषाद की आंधी में उमडऋ उठा और विदाऋ की शोकाकुल तीर्थयात्रा में उनका एक लंबा जुलूस धीरेधीरे गांधीजी की तरफ चल पडऋआउन हाथों से लिपटाता , जो अनवरत श्रम करते रहे थे , उन पावों पर झुकता , जो देश की खातिर लगातार चलते रहे थे .

without interruption; "the world is constantly changing"
पर्याय: constantly, always, forever, perpetually, constantly, always, forever, perpetually,

with unflagging resolve; "dance inspires him ceaselessly to strive higher and higher toward the shining pinnacle of perfection that is the goal of every artiste"
पर्याय: endlessly, ceaselessly, unceasingly, unendingly, continuously, endlessly, ceaselessly, unceasingly, unendingly, continuously,

without interruption; "the world is constantly changing"
पर्याय: constantly, always, forever, perpetually, constantly, always, forever, perpetually,

with unflagging resolve; "dance inspires him ceaselessly to strive higher and higher toward the shining pinnacle of perfection that is the goal of every artiste"
पर्याय: endlessly, ceaselessly, unceasingly, unendingly, continuously, endlessly, ceaselessly, unceasingly, unendingly, continuously,

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