| 1. | The bond in a homonuclear diatomic molecule is non-polar.
| 2. | Homonuclear J-resolved spectroscopy uses the spin echo pulse sequence.
| 3. | They can be broken into two categories : homonuclear and heteronuclear.
| 4. | One important problem using homonuclear nuclear magnetic resonance is overlap between peaks.
| 5. | In symmetrical homonuclear diatomic molecules, the permanent electric dipole moment vanishes.
| 6. | It is also excimer molecule but not homonuclear dimer.
| 7. | In that sense, allotropes are all homonuclear.
| 8. | A homonuclear diatomic molecule is one composed of two atoms of the same NO.
| 9. | TOCSY is sometimes called " homonuclear Hartmann & ndash; Hahn spectroscopy " ( HOHAHA ).
| 10. | This paper was the first to properly explain the bonding in a homonuclear molecule as H 2.