:The decrees hereinbefore entered in this court will be vacated.
Subsequent to that date the results of the operations of the property were included in the income account of the carrier, as hereinbefore explained.
The Morgan's Louisiana and Texas Railroad acquired these properties on July 31, 1869, and April 22, 1870, as hereinbefore stated.
Bureaucratizing documents; there's even a list of banned words ( abeyance, henceforward, hereinbefore, whensoever, and witnesseth deservedly among them ).
Particular uses of Western-style periods include grouping of digits in large numbers ( see " Numerals " hereinbefore ) and denotation of abbreviations.
When the property of the latter was sold at foreclosure, the entire 107.13 miles was acquired by The Toledo and Cincinnati Railroad Company as hereinbefore described.
For these, and other scenarios, it is possible to create succession boxes that can clearly show those connections by making use of the advanced features of the hereinbefore presented succession template model.
As hereinbefore stated, the Morgan's Louisiana and Texas also owns 17.420 miles of roadway and track structure located on right of way owned by The Franklin and Abbeville Railway Company.
The cost of construction was kept in the accounts of the Baltimore and Ohio and was later transferred by that company to the accounts of the Baltimore and Ohio and Chicago, as hereinbefore explained in the report on that company.
This company also owns jointly with the Central Pacific 0.176 undivided mile of first main and 0.037 undivided mile of second main tracks with an important drawbridge across San Antonio Estuary at Oakland, as hereinbefore mentioned.