| 1. | Hero and her gentlewoman Ursula play the same trick upon Beatrice.
| 2. | The queen considered her the " first of her gentlewomen ."
| 3. | Those words were not spoken by the gentlewoman form Florida.
| 4. | Eystein was married to Ragna Nikolasdottir, a Norwegian gentlewoman.
| 5. | Blanche Parry then became Chief Gentlewoman of the Privy Chamber.
| 6. | Frip gives Primero the gentlewoman's suit he has just acquired.
| 7. | One of your Danes might seem a gentlewoman beside him.
| 8. | She began by teaching gentlewomen and doctors and nurses.
| 9. | The Country Wench is dressed up as a gentlewoman.
| 10. | The Doctor and the Gentlewoman stand aside to observe.