| 1. | Why doesn't Ralph Lauren buy the fabled jewel himself?
| 2. | Tourists will swipe anything, even bricks, especially fabled bricks.
| 3. | Unlike the fabled Flexible Flyer, the skeleton has no steering.
| 4. | To play against the fabled Americans was an honor and privilege.
| 5. | Sure, fabled North Carolina is a tough way to begin.
| 6. | It seems to have become a fabled face in Southern California.
| 7. | And Cuba was a fabled spot for Americans like Ernest Hemingway.
| 8. | But for our own time, which decade is most fabled?
| 9. | "This customer isn't that fabled big woman.
| 10. | If only some quotable gem would dribble from those fabled lips.