| 1. | Streams carried rock debris downslope to be deposited in nearby lowlands.
| 2. | But the perception was that Roberts was on the downslope.
| 3. | Winds screaming as uphill mountainous air collided with the downslope Foehn winds.
| 4. | At 21, Bremer was already on a career downslope.
| 5. | Caught one of the downslopes and just kind of went,
| 6. | Steam emission was at moderate level, creeping downslope toward the southwest.
| 7. | Weathered particles are moved downslope by creep, solifluction and rill wash.
| 8. | Another problem was faced when the oil traveled downslope from Atigun Pass.
| 9. | Stewart is, at 38, on the downslope of a superb career.
| 10. | The populations of the Central Asian mountains mostly migrate downslope rather than southwards.