| 1. | He also was given a dishonorable discharge from the Marine Corps.
| 2. | Anything less is dishonorable and discredits the black belt he wears.
| 3. | They are a heartless, unnatural, venomous, dishonorable set.
| 4. | Marshall campaigned to have the dishonorable discharges reversed, but failed.
| 5. | Columnist George Will called the book " dishonorable ."
| 6. | There are unworthy rules that you may break without being dishonorable.
| 7. | There is nothing dishonorable about the derivation of the term Redskins.
| 8. | This particular ad was dishonorable and lacked integrity and manufactured reality.
| 9. | Other possible penalties included jail, dishonorable discharge or a demotion.
| 10. | But punishment can also be as light as a dishonorable discharge.