| 1. | Photography itself contributed to the West's despoliation.
| 2. | The recommendation by the Commission for the Indemnity of Victims of Despoliation was not binding.
| 3. | These deeply alarmed recreationists, who feared despoliation of this most scenic part of the river.
| 4. | When parishioners tried to prevent the despoliation of their local churches, Lenin supported extreme measures against them.
| 5. | By buying these objects on the market, museums are supporting the despoliation of the patrimony of African countries.
| 6. | With the despoliation of the monasteries and the scarcity of priests during penal days, old churches were abandoned.
| 7. | He drew attention to the despoliation occurring in what was considered the last great hope for large-scale habitat preservation.
| 8. | From car / deer accidents to flower and shrub despoliation, whitetail deer soon overstay their welcome as objects of natural wildlife.
| 9. | Since no visitors are allowed entry to the upper storey this despoliation by Shah-Jahan has remained a well guarded secret.
| 10. | The clan system of the Manchus in Aigun was obliterated by the despoliation of the area at the hands of the Russian invaders.