| 1. | Church officials said Trosch spoke to parishioners about hellfire and damnation.
| 2. | There is also very little overheated talk of hellfire and damnation.
| 3. | Many tracts suggest that other points of view lead to damnation.
| 4. | It was described as cruel for condemning people to eternal damnation.
| 5. | Their Calvinism was based on a fear of God and damnation.
| 6. | Followers were taught that leaving the cult meant eternal damnation.
| 7. | She has also recorded " La Damnation de Faust,"
| 8. | End of Days : Arnold Schwarzenegger saves the world from millennial damnation.
| 9. | Many churches cannot teach about homosexuality without triggering biblical literalism and damnation.
| 10. | But their emphasis on damnation and salvation resembles fundamentalist Christianity.