| 1. | Jesus and Mary both hold the Augustinian cincture in their hands.
| 2. | It generally reached to the knees and was tied with a simple cincture.
| 3. | Leaves are also used for making mats, cincture pads and other articles.
| 4. | In this regard it is similar to the cincture of the Roman Catholic Church.
| 5. | Traditionally, the cincture was made by the Virgin Mary herself, out of camelhair.
| 6. | The religious habit of the canoness is a white tunic girdled by a leather cincture.
| 7. | Together with the cincture and the now mostly defunct the duty to spread the Word of God.
| 8. | A band cincture or sash, known also as a fascia, may be worn with the cassock.
| 9. | The nuns make their own habits, which consist of a dress, a cincture, and a veil.
| 10. | He took this to be God's sign and built the monastery on the place his cincture fell.