| 1. | The sweeter the wine, the better it tastes thoroughly chilled.
| 2. | Waiters bring in coffee and chilled spring water on silver trays.
| 3. | Whip the cream in a chilled bowl until soft peaks form.
| 4. | Roll chilled pastry out to 1 / 4-inch thickness.
| 5. | Trim edges of chilled dough flush with outside edges of pan.
| 6. | Williams did a background check and what he discovered chilled him.
| 7. | I for one am not going to be chilled . ..
| 8. | Serve chilled with fish fritters or with grilled fish or shellfish.
| 9. | Pour into chilled crumb crust; refrigerate until pie has set.
| 10. | Cover, and refrigerate for one hour, or until chilled.