| 1. | Typically, 1 to 3 carpels per flower develop into fruit.
| 2. | Several carpels can be fused together to from a compound ovary.
| 3. | Ovary is superior and has only one carpel with numerous ovules.
| 4. | The number of seeds in each segment ( carpel ) varies greatly.
| 5. | The carpels of a pome are fused within the " core ".
| 6. | The gynoecium consists of a compound pistil with 2 to 100 carpels.
| 7. | The carpels in one whorl or in a clustered head.
| 8. | Each carpel contains 1 (-2 ) anatropous ovules.
| 9. | They have an inflated sheathing base, 6 stamens and 3 carpels.
| 10. | The flower has 4-7 ovules in each carpel.