| 1. | But this branching out may have hurt Safeguard's profits.
| 2. | Lockheed Martin's not the only defense firm branching out.
| 3. | Eisenman has had better luck since branching out on his own.
| 4. | Businesses within the South African economy are developing and branching out,
| 5. | State lawmakers are scheduled to again consider interstate branching in 1999.
| 6. | Branching into sitcom and drama development was the logical next step.
| 7. | Ms . Tereshko has begun branching out in her online ventures.
| 8. | Above them stand burned willow husks, branching like gnarled candelabra.
| 9. | Next, I shorten remaining stems wherever increased branching is needed.
| 10. | Trim 2 to 3 inches off branches to encourage side branching.