| 1. | The blockhouse system required an enormous number of troops to garrison.
| 2. | A blockhouse was partially constructed at 514 S . 3rd Street.
| 3. | By 1800, another blockhouse and a guard house were built.
| 4. | No blastproof pad, blockhouse, or associated equipment are needed.
| 5. | Later, the Germans built a blockhouse inside the Tudor ruins.
| 6. | At each corner was a blockhouse equipped with small bore cannon.
| 7. | From 1695 1697 San Luis's new blockhouse was built.
| 8. | The blockhouse has been subject to some modifications over the years.
| 9. | There were two Mi'kmaq raids on Blockhouse in 1758.
| 10. | Its gorge had a large rectangular blockhouse protected by a redan.