| 1. | Williams blistered the team afterward, and Robertson felt the heat.
| 2. | The Firestone tires were fantastic _ we never blistered a thing.
| 3. | Vancouver, meanwhile, blistered Waite with all kinds of heat.
| 4. | "He really blistered me, " he says.
| 5. | Roast peppers under a broiler flame until blistered, turning often.
| 6. | Ensberg blistered the ball both times but hit into double plays.
| 7. | And I'm wearing my blistered raking thumb with pride.
| 8. | Fernandez blistered the back nine with a 4-under par.
| 9. | His skin is blistered and scaly, and scabs cannot form.
| 10. | The intense heat twisted metal and blistered paint on the trucks.