| 1. | When relief is described underwater, the term bathymetry is used.
| 2. | The easternmost five of the seven were surveyed using SeaBeam bathymetry.
| 3. | Changes in bathymetry can affect the strength of an upwelling.
| 4. | Originally, bathymetry involved the measurement of ocean depth through depth sounding.
| 5. | This method was later upgraded to Airborne Laser Bathymetry ( ALB ).
| 6. | In other words, bathymetry is the underwater equivalent to hypsometry or topography.
| 7. | The lake has a uniform bathymetry with maximum depth of about twenty feet.
| 8. | Multibeam systems acquire both bathymetry ( depth ) and backscatter ( intensity ) data.
| 9. | When land topography and bathymetry is combined, a truly Global Relief Model is obtained.
| 10. | These data were subsequently widely used to estimate ocean bathymetry along with additional satellite altimeters.