The attendance from socialist groups in Europe was meagre . यूरोप के समाजवादी दलों की उपस्थिति नगण्य थी .
You must provide their details on the attendance form . उन के विवरण आप को अटेंडेंस फ़ॉर्म में देने होंगे .
We see a transformation in attendance by girls. लड़कियों की हाज़िरी में भी बदलाव नज़र आता है |
War Disablement Pension with War Pensioner's Constant Attendance Allowance or mobility supplement War Disablement Pension with War Pensioner's Constant Attendance Allowance or mobility supplement
War Disablement Pension with War Pensioner's Constant Attendance Allowance or mobility supplement War Disablement Pension with War Pensioner's Constant Attendance Allowance or mobility supplement
School Attendance: Information for Parents स्कूल में हाज़िरीः माता पिता के लिए जानकारी|
Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit with Constant Attendance Allowance Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit with Constant Attendance Allowance
Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit with Constant Attendance Allowance Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit with Constant Attendance Allowance
Was the Limca Book of Records in attendance too ? लिका बुक ऑफ रिकॉर्ड़ ने सुना कि नहंईं ?
If attendance at the schools goes down या फ़िर स्कूलों में हाज़िरी कम हो रही हो