| 1. | The Communists were right : He is an apparatchik above all.
| 2. | As a Communist apparatchik, he must side with the party.
| 3. | But Cheney's real record is that of an apparatchik.
| 4. | He is beginning to shed his image as a bland apparatchik.
| 5. | The same old apparatchiks will then dominate government, business and politics.
| 6. | Crumbling buildings that housed communist apparatchiks are being renovated for government ministers.
| 7. | Who beside Giuliani apparatchiks are making the shocking public statements?
| 8. | Political bloggers include current and former party apparatchiks such as Martyn Bradbury.
| 9. | The hard-core apparatchiks are still very tough.
| 10. | Corruption, of course, continued, along with the usual apparatchik capitalism.