| 1. | The top of the casing string and annulus is usually sealed.
| 2. | Additionally enlargement of the aortic annulus can contribute to valve dysfunction.
| 3. | If the annulus is enlarged it must be reduced and stabilized.
| 4. | Another method is to twist along an annulus spanning two components.
| 5. | There are no cement barriers in the annulus in Figure 4.
| 6. | The mitral annulus changes in shape and size during the cardiac cycle.
| 7. | The usefulness of method for inverting to an annulus can be applied.
| 8. | But, not every polynomial admits such a splitting annulus.
| 9. | The annulus tissue comprises interwoven cylindrical hyphae measuring 3 9 �m wide.
| 10. | The annulus theorem is important in the theory of triangulation of manifolds.