| 1. | By the early 20th Century, aether theory was in trouble.
| 2. | Reverted at least 5 times on Luminiferous aether in combatting Reddi.
| 3. | Complete aether dragging is inconsistent with the phenomenon of stellar aberration.
| 4. | The idea of the luminiferous aether has no place in relativity.
| 5. | The game's antagonists are Team Skull and Aether Foundation.
| 6. | Lorentz on his side continued to use the aether concept.
| 7. | They, themselves, were also entirely composed of aether.
| 8. | This result strengthened their hope of finding the aether wind.
| 9. | Jean-Augustin Fresnel modeled hypothetical behavior of the aether.
| 10. | These are the facts, how the aether age came upon us.