| 1. | Both are hyper-alert and forceful abstractionists on their instruments.
| 2. | Wassily Kandinsky, one of the first abstractionists, died in 1944.
| 3. | Mohamed Shadad, one of Sudan's early abstractionists, lives in Cairo.
| 4. | They were followed in the 1960s by such hard edge abstractionists as Frank Stella.
| 5. | The abstractionists in New York generally did not use axial layering as did Kelpe.
| 6. | A choreographic abstractionist fond of complex formal structures, she avoids telling stories through movement.
| 7. | He sharpened her eye as an abstractionist.
| 8. | Josef Albers is best remembered for his work as an Geometric abstractionist painter and theorist.
| 9. | Kvaran and Kristj�n Dav��sson were important figures in the development of the geometric abstractionist school.
| 10. | I was, for example, surprised at how many African-American abstractionists there were.