| 41. | Late last month, inspectors say, the pungency penetrated well into Redmond, a neighboring Seattle suburb.
| 42. | Nonivamide is used as a food additive to add pungency to seasonings, flavorings, and spice blends.
| 43. | The fruit do not have any pungency, and are a 0 on the Scoville Heat Unit scale.
| 44. | Fresh tobacco leaves can also lend a characteristic pungency, though these are available only in spring and summer.
| 45. | This allowed for prolonged exposure of the skins and juice which sharpened the intensity and pungency of the wine.
| 46. | Nordihydrocapsaicin accounts for about 7 % of the total capsaicinoids mixture and has about half the pungency of capsaicin.
| 47. | Homodihydrocapsaicin accounts for about 1 % of the total capsaicinoids mixture and has about half the pungency of capsaicin.
| 48. | The term "'piquancy "'is sometimes applied to foods with a lower degree of pungency
| 49. | But both musicians are more concerned with making the shifting rhythms incisive and bringing out the pungency of the harmony.
| 50. | Pungency in onions is related to the presence or absence of sulfur in the soil during various stages of production.