| 41. | NATO peace keepers in Bosnia, wary about the repercussions, have been reluctant to take on the task of arresting suspects.
| 42. | At its height, the United Nations had some 6, 000 peace keepers in Haiti, including 2, 400 Americans.
| 43. | Next week, they'll turn over their weapons to specially appointed U . N . peace keepers and begin demobilizing.
| 44. | Government sources working closely with the U . N . mission say initial plans foresee deploying 7, 450 blue helmeted peace keepers.
| 45. | More than 200 U . N . peace keepers have been injured already by mines and 20 have been killed, he said.
| 46. | Solana, who was appointed head of NATO in December, is credited with convincing Spain to send military peace keepers to Bosnia.
| 47. | The Israeli officer explained ( to the peace keepers ) that he needed to get through to carry out an emergency rescue mission,
| 48. | Miroslav and Milan Vuckovic, 26, were snatched Wednesday from Prijedor by NATO peace keepers only to be released a day later.
| 49. | Miroslav and Milan Vucicevic, 26, were snatched Wednesday from Prijedor by NATO peace keepers only to be released a day later.
| 50. | Like the previous games in the series, " The Peace Keepers " features various changes from the original Japanese version.