It is one of six species of " Latrodectus " found in southern Africa, four of which, including " L . karrooensis ", are known as black button or black widow spiders.
It is one of six species of " Latrodectus " found in southern Africa, four of which, including " L . renivulvatus ", are known as black button or black widow spiders.
It is one of six species of " Latrodectus " found in southern Africa, two of which, including " L . rhodesiensis ", are known as brown button or brown widow spiders.
The simple truth is that Railpage is the first stop for almost everyone seeking information about Australian railways, and this is reason enough for keeping the entry live . Latrodectus 14 : 58, 27 February 2007 ( UTC)
This included reclassifying the redback and several other species as subspecies of the best-known member of the group, the black widow spider ( " Latrodectus mactans " ), found in North America and other regions.
Apart from the high molecular weight latrotoxins described above, " Latrodectus " venom also contains low molecular weight proteins whose function has not been explored fully yet, but may be involved in facilitating membrane insertion of latrotoxins.
The " Steatoda bipunctata " is similar in shape to the Black Widow spider of the genus " Latrodectus " and can thus be mistaken for it, although its bite is significantly less dangerous to humans.
The specific variant of the vertebrate toxin found in the redback was cloned and sequenced in 2012, and was found to be a sequence of 1180 amino acids, with a strong similarity to the equivalent molecule across the " Latrodectus mactans " clade.
The amount of " P . nigriventer " venom necessary to kill a 20 g mouse has been shown to be only 6 ?g subcutaneously as compared to 110 ?g and 200 ?g respectively for " Latrodectus mactans " ( Southern black widow ).
""'Armadillidium klugii " "'is a lesser-known, rare Balkan, Dalmatia-based species of woodlouse, most distinguished by its colouration which resembles the red markings of the Mediterranean black widow " Latrodectus tredecimguttatus ".