| 41. | Second, apple seeds are coated with a chemical that inhibits germination.
| 42. | Apply organic mulch to cut late-season weed germination.
| 43. | There were no abnormal seedlings because there was no germination.
| 44. | All the nutrients it needs to begin germination are here.
| 45. | The seeds have a germination rate of 60 per cent.
| 46. | They need about 21 C ( 70 F ) warmth for germination.
| 47. | Germination involves the dormant endospore starting metabolic activity and thus breaking hibernation.
| 48. | It is within the ovule that pollen-germination occurs.
| 49. | Deep tilling will also bring dormant seed to the surface for germination.
| 50. | Red imported fire ants have negative impacts on seed germination.