| 41. | Kabaka Mutesa II himself escaped the compound during a cloudburst in the middle of the battle.
| 42. | When cloudbursts saturate the land, the torrent drains from the slope in Mendoza's direction.
| 43. | Although in 1995 we got flooded out one day when a cloudburst made the drains back up.
| 44. | Joey Cora, who proved there was indeed crying in baseball after his Game 6 optical cloudburst.
| 45. | One long drought ended, wiped out by a cloudburst of confetti and a downpour of champagne.
| 46. | The MV Musaka sank when passengers and well-wishers rushed on board to escape a cloudburst.
| 47. | The wettest month is July, with heavy rainfalls and evening thunderstorms with the possibility of cloudbursts.
| 48. | "From time to time we'll have these little cloudbursts, " he said.
| 49. | Among the top drivers who crashed as cloudbursts turned the roads slippery were reigning world champion Petter Solberg.
| 50. | Scarecrow evades Batman once again, and the Cloudburst is extracted with the help of the Arkham Knight.