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अंग्रेजी-हिंदी > black ash उदाहरण वाक्य

black ash उदाहरण वाक्य

उदाहरण वाक्य
41.One of those huts was no more than a circle of black ash, with an earthen water jug lying on its edge.

42.The Volunteers destroyed the carriages and concealed the guns in a black ash swamp, where they remained to the end of the war.

43.I see rocks start to pitch up and fire coming through the mountain along with black ash, so I just started to run.

44.We want another Liberia ! " screamed 31-year-old Joseph Okou, who smeared his face with black ash in what he said was warpaint.

45.He is also a Revolutionary War veteran and is credited with building the first timber frame barn in the town, built of black ash.

46.The airport, closed Sunday, was originally scheduled to reopen in the early hours Monday, but a thick cloud of black ash made it impossible.

47.Throughout the Great Lakes and northeast, black ash and sweetgrass are woven into fancy work, featuring " porcupine " points, or decorated as strawberries.

48.He likened the bucket seats of black ash that are irregularly carved into the white stone as reminiscent of an Irish castle from the Middle Ages.

49.Mexico's famed Popocatepetl volcano erupted briefly Monday, belching black ash and steam, but authorities said the " smoking mountain " posed no threat to nearby communities.

50.A volcano near Mexico City spewed a column of roiling black ash Wednesday, dusting surrounding villages and farmlands southwest of the capital but causing no injuries.

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