| 31. | But as I noted above, the article is promotional twaddle for a non-notable band.
| 32. | A Giants'ad on The San Francisco Examiner sports pages was the living definition of sanctimonious twaddle.
| 33. | People read Pat Riley's ludicrous inspirational twaddle without then destroying the beauty and poetry of basketball.
| 34. | There's been a lot of twaddle written recently about the supposed opposition between faith and reason.
| 35. | Twaddle sentenced Bauder to nine months of community service instead under legislation allowing alternative sentencing for secondary crimes.
| 36. | No more twaddle about revenue sharing, luxury taxes, salary caps and small-market teams going bust.
| 37. | And there are other Internet tools such as mail servers and websites that can control twaddle-spouting interlopers.
| 38. | It is hard to read this psycho-twaddle without wincing in embarrassment for the president's wife.
| 39. | :: : : : Societal effect is irrelevant, reliable independent sources indicate that the idea is twaddle.
| 40. | Pratt's superior, General Philip Sheridan, dismissed Pratt's beliefs as " Indian twaddle ".