| 31. | The gyrations in global financial markets have been good news for alternative investments.
| 32. | These gyrations upward lured utility companies into nuclear decisions that now look ridiculous.
| 33. | The political gyrations of the candidates only mirror the ambivalence of the nation.
| 34. | They came up with some gyrations to avoid having to vote on it.
| 35. | Still, the gyrations are not without material impact.
| 36. | Sometimes she'd work her way into a weary but stable gyration.
| 37. | Unlike inflationary pressures or interest rate gyrations, this is new to us.
| 38. | He waits for Eastman to finish his creative gyrations.
| 39. | The lesson, replete with rap gyrations, begins:
| 40. | Those expirations generally cause increased gyrations on Wall Street.