The village of Walhallow is located about 2 kilometres north of Caroona, although it is across the local government area boundary, in Gunnedah Shire.
These six Army Areas, though similar in name, operated on a functional rather than geographic basis but roughly followed along the old corps areas boundaries.
Management area boundaries were not redrawn, however, and therefore area committees ceased to represent exactly the areas for which they were named and made decisions.
The Rasor Off-Highway Vehicle Area boundary enforcement has begun to reverse the heavy off-road vehicles use and damage that occurred in the riverbed and canyon.
The Arbuthnott Commission, in its final report, January 2006, recommended that council area boundaries and Holyrood and Westminster constituency boundaries should all be reviewed together.
In 2011, Rotherham had a population of 109, 691, this figure is for an urban subdivision and roughly corresponds with ward and output area boundaries.
The Study and Core Area boundaries define the " historic landscape " of the battlefield while areas that retain integrity define the " modern landscape ".
In 1895, what had previously been known as the " Borough-road enclosure " was renamed Prenton Park even though it was outside the Prenton area boundaries.
The Arbuthnott Commission, in its final report, January 2006, recommended that council area boundaries and Holyrood and Scottish Westminster constituency boundaries should all be reviewed together.
"We have several neighborhoods that are now in the recreation area boundaries, but we certainly are not going to condemn neighborhoods for park land, " says Lewis.