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अंग्रेजी-हिंदी > vegetative reproduction उदाहरण वाक्य

vegetative reproduction उदाहरण वाक्य

उदाहरण वाक्य
21.For example, some individual Mount Read maintained itself by vegetative reproduction for an estimated more than 10, 000 years.

22.This species spreads mainly through vegetative reproduction, but flowers are occasionally produced in shallow water exposed to full sun.

23.This is a process known as vegetative reproduction and is used by farmers and gardeners to propagate certain plants.

24.Plants in the genus also have white flowers, two carpels with one seed in each, and vegetative reproduction by stolons.

25.In this cycle, sexual reproduction is dominant in colony bloom formation / termination, and two types of vegetative reproduction exist.

26.Any plant multiplied by vegetative reproduction ( usually by cuttings or grafting ) results in clones of the original plant.

27.Vegetative reproduction occurs naturally in some species that produce stolons or when roots come close to the surface of the soil.

28.Some vegetative reproduction has been observed with more than one stem coming from a shared rhizome or aboveground rosette of leaves.

29.The plant may not reproduce efficiently, as evidenced by the apparent lack of seedlings, but it probably spreads via vegetative reproduction.

30.Compare with e . g ., " vegetative reproduction " I created a nanostub, but I am a total ignoramus here.

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