| 21. | Mazel's, a closeout store, opened at the mall in 2000.
| 22. | We also buy closeouts and pay suppliers right away, which gets us better prices.
| 23. | But those typically have been closeout models.
| 24. | I think the difference is the closeouts,
| 25. | Closeout rooms in the carpet warehouses of Dalton, the carpet capital of the world.
| 26. | Most of the businesses are closeouts, or specialized businesses in various types of merchandise.
| 27. | In each of Indiana's three previous closeout games, Miller was the leading scorer.
| 28. | Closeout sales on marble and tiles.
| 29. | The move is intended to raise the visibility of the nation's largest closeout retailer.
| 30. | "The closeout game is a must-win game, " he said.