| 21. | The favored colors : Beige, taupe, gray or black.
| 22. | Then in the 80s, colors went neutral, predominantly beige.
| 23. | Rust joins beige, green and gold as a popular choice.
| 24. | Short, manicured nails ( neutral beige if you wear polish)
| 25. | Wooden window casings and beige walls greet tenants in some units.
| 26. | Our universe isn't beige, it's champagne.
| 27. | In Vermont, I'm beige and red ."
| 28. | A witness reported seeing a beige Chevrolet Caprice flee the scene.
| 29. | Over here was Gordon's black wheelchair and beige recliner.
| 30. | From the first drawings sprang large paintings on beige linen canvasses.