| 21. | I only knew, the next morning, that I needed absolution.
| 22. | Collins seeks no absolution and avoids the subject of his 1998 problems.
| 23. | He formally confessed his irresponsibility, resolved to repent and received absolution.
| 24. | Now contrition, repentance, absolution and remarriage are possible.
| 25. | In America, winning is the ultimate absolution, the ultimate validation.
| 26. | Mikal approaches Gary with a confused desire for absolution and brotherly love.
| 27. | An offender would not have to see a priest to gain absolution.
| 28. | No such absolution is to be expected from this Tribunal.
| 29. | No such absolution is to be expected from this tribunal.
| 30. | Together, they sail across, and the man gets his absolution.