| 11. | Visit www . adventurouswench . com or call 866-41-WENCH.
| 12. | Here " the wench " may refer to Martineau.
| 13. | The song was the first wench role in minstrelsy.
| 14. | The Country Wench is dressed up as a gentlewoman.
| 15. | Everyone exits except the Country Wench and her father.
| 16. | While operating the wench he was knocked overboard when the tow line snapped.
| 17. | For the price of a meal we happily became Roman emperors or Elizabethan wenches.
| 18. | "Come on, wench, " he said, growing louder.
| 19. | Adventurous Wench specializes in soft-adventure outings to several destinations at varying prices.
| 20. | Tabloid cartoonists have delighted in portraying Clinton in hot pursuit of buxom local wenches.