| 11. | The snout is pointed and the ears and eyes are large.
| 12. | Their delicate skulls were narrow and long, with tapered snouts.
| 13. | It has a stocky body and a broad, rounded snout.
| 14. | The snout is pneumatised, with a sinus in each maxilla.
| 15. | They can be distinguished from the tautog by their pointed snouts.
| 16. | Adults are 40 107 mm long from their snout to vent.
| 17. | Hatchlings are about 25 mm from snout to vent in length.
| 18. | It has a rounded snout and an oval shaped flat head.
| 19. | Rod tells Snout to send him back to his own body.
| 20. | The male loses the lines on his snout as he matures.