| 11. | INFORM's PROCESS procedural language became known as BUILDER within Application Factory.
| 12. | The Merc's process isn't expected to be completed any time soon.
| 13. | But in Leone s process the trapping layer is an insulator.
| 14. | Some Irish critics see the book as accelerating Ireland's process of understanding itself.
| 15. | The company's process begins with washing the bottles in hot water.
| 16. | Of Kaprow's process, Jacobs said : " He made what he called Environments.
| 17. | But Bilski's process had nothing to do with such a procedure.
| 18. | Even so, Taylor's processes remain a powerful influence on production lines.
| 19. | Aside from providing better fitting jeans, Park's process provides a range of advantages.
| 20. | Brand's process yielded far less phosphorus than it could have done.